Let’s talk about the meaning of Angelosophy. What exactly is it? Angelosophy by definition means the “love of Angel Wisdom.” I was guided by the Divine Creator and the Holy Angelic Realm to this name while healing in a beautiful jungle of Costa Rica. I have been on a journey of self-healing and empowerment for over a decade and God continues to support my interpersonal growth and awareness. I share this wisdom with women and children to inspire them to connect and listen divinely to support their well being and divine purpose.
To me, Angelosophy is a way of life. It is connecting to the Divine Light of God, Jesus Christ (Yeshua) our Holy Guardian Angels and Archangels for guidance and support with the intention of revealing light to heal and strengthen all aspects of our life. Through our conscious loving thoughts and actions toward ourselves and those around us, we experience balance and peace in our life. Connecting with the Holy Angelic Realm can support this experience and can lead to many blessings. By listening intuitively and following the divine truth inside of us we are able to connect to infinite creativity which supports our overall well being.
Angelosophy is my philosophy because it has supported a life of higher consciousness for me. When I share the tools of connecting to the Holy Angelic Realm with women and children and they choose to apply Angelosophy to their life, they begin to consciously notice the many synchronistic blessings offered to them by the Universe. I's so exciting when our prayer requests are answered and we start to notice all the blessings given to us every day. It is exciting when you feel certainty within that they are around you and are truly working for your highest good. These Angels work for God and are a beautiful family of light that we may connect with for protection, guidance and service when we ask for assistance. There have been countless amazing stories of miracles experienced from the Holy Angelic Realm. I encourage women and children every day to ask for assistance from these light beings here to serve us through God.
Now, for those of you who may have concern that I am placing the Angels before God. Angelosophy a not religion or cult. I do not worship or idolize Angels. I always evoke God, The Divine Creator of the Universe and Yeshua, when calling upon the Holy Angelic Realm. I choose this action authentically and with divine love.
The Angelosophy site is an e-commerce website that offers products, services. We invite you to join our community and become an Angelosopher to be a human reflection of angelic energy to connect, give and support! Connect with intention to reveal and expand light in the world by living life in your purpose and supporting children in their divine nature.
Learn more about our Light School program for kids! We offer classes, camps and workshops that support children’s creativity, purpose and whole well being. We invite you to support our mission by gifting funds to The LIGHT Ranch fund in support of opening our first facility in the hill country of central Texas.
One of Angelosophy’s philanthropic missions is to also collaborate in the global movement to end human sex trafficking/slavery on this planet though education, recovery support and spiritual awareness. This moved me to create the Angelosophy LIGHT Foundation for raising awareness, funds, preventative education and healing for women and children. We support several organizations and foundations for this cause. I invite you to get involved and volunteer your time and heart energy to this necessary cause. I will share more on this subject in my future blogs.
Angelosophy has been a vision that I have been cultivating for many years now. I share it with you now from my heart and soul with intention to ignite your spirit and inspire you to connect with the divine light inside of you, the God spark within. Connect, heal, share, give, support, reflect, inspire, create and love yourself and those around you! Turn on your LOVELIGHT!